The billionaire and the bat: enter the fractured psyche of Bruce Wayne and discover the powerful and far-reaching consequences of your choices as the Dark Knight.
Batman: The Telltale Series Review - Switch - Nintendo Insider On all points, Batman: The Telltale Series is a must have for fans of Telltale, Batman and narrative-driven games. Batman: The Telltale Series (PS4) Objevte mocné a hluboce sahající důsledky vašich voleb v roli temného rytíře. V roli Batmana potkáte mnoho klasických spojenců i nepřátel, a jako Bruce se naučíte skutečný význam toho, co to znamená stát se mužem skrývajícím se za pláštěm… PS4 Batman: The Telltale Series | Konzoliště.cz
Batman: The Telltale Series - Nintendo Switch Review - Attack ...
Batman – The Telltale Series Available Now On Nintendo … Batman – The Telltale Series gives players the opportunity to role-play as both Bruce Wayne and Batman in a fresh take on Batman Lucius Fox, Anthony Ingruber as John Doe, and Laura Bailey as Selina Kyle. Check out the Batman: The Telltale Series Nintendo Switch Trailer Batman: The Telltale Series on Nintendo Switch Out... -… Fans of Batman: The Telltale Series are already pretty busy with the Season Two of the series; The Enemy Within on consoles, mobile devices and PC. So, it's time that Nintendo Switch owners should get busy with saving Gotham as The Dark Knight as they have access to one of Telltale's best game... Batman: The Telltale Series Coming to Nintendo Switch
- 1351
- 1345
- 735
- 881
- 724
- 1470
- 431
- 196
- 764
- 1862
- 126
- 1705
- 1343
- 4
- 812
- 1856
- 322
- 331
- 1854
- 711
- 19
- 1755
- 12
- 1390
- 1365
- 1253
- 839
- 60
- 1758
- 1437
- 142
- 1887
- 1409
- 530
- 1059
- 1152
- 457
- 1679
- 912
- 1716
- 888
- 1023
- 1657
- 1751
- 260
- 1118
- 1767
- 472
- 1464
- 486
- 1515
- 165
- 1932
- 381
- 1332
- 1590
- 723
- 1492
- 1360
- 218
- 1593
- 137
- 1007
- 425
- 1984
- 239
- 296
- 813
- 946
- 1660
- 1400
- 644
- 1419
- 138
- 1823
- 997
- 98
- 262
- 1131
- 247
- 1487
- 368
- 596
- 1273
- 1922
- 1978
- 1956
- 1029
- 1199
- 1469
- 430
- 965
- 320
- 695
- 123
- 752